Privacy policy

We value your privacy. Please find our privacy practices below.

Last updated: May 06, 2023

On this page you can find the full text of the ‘privacy notice moveUP – US region’. At each moment this document can be consulted on or in the menu of the app after login.

What? With this text we want to demonstrate which personal identifiable information (PII) and protected health information (PHI)are necessary to be processed in order to provide our services. We attach great value to your privacy and secured data processing. We collect information (1)that you provide to us, (2) while using our services & (3) from other sources.

Who, why and which data? Your doctor, physiotherapist and other healthcare practitioners are using moveUP to follow you up closely. Your information is shared with doctors, healthcare practitioners, healthcare plans, healthcare institutions, researchers or other relevant parties for the purpose of your treatment, payment or healthcare operations.

Contact and administration data are asked to let you start using the service and to provide technical and administrative support. In addition, your personal identifiable information and protected health information is used and disclosed:

  • To visualize and adapt your situation and treatment as good as possible
  • To improve our product and services
  • Optimize the follow-up and treatment protocol.
  • For payment& healthcare operation purposes
  • For research purposes (aggregated a/o de-identified)

Examples of medical data are pain level, operation date, medication use, general welfare,… Also pictures and videos can be asked by the healthcare practitioner to follow up healing wounds, gait analysis or swelling.

How? With the use of questionnaires and an activity tracker, we collect your PII and PHI. It is very important for you and your care team, that questions about your health & personal life are answered as correctly and completely as possible. In addition, relevant information can be added to your file by your involved healthcare practitioner or other relevant party.

Data storage? Your data is stored with recognized secure storage techniques and only as long as needed and as long as obligated by law. Minimum number of persons can access your data to protect its integrity.  

Data insight? You can request a copy of your health data. This report is a document that you can share with whom you prefer, but be aware it contains PII and PHI.

Contact? Questions related to the service, product and your personal identifiable information can be directed to or via +32800 88 08. We are committed and willing to handle problems as quickly as possible.
Privacy notice moveUP - US region

Getting started shouldn’t be hard.

That’s why we made it easy.

No more financial, administrative or bureaucratic barrier to get started. We'll take care of the complicated, behind-the-scenes stuff so you can focus on your core activity. Treating patients.